Monday, November 23, 2009

Sparkling Seashell Ornaments!

Hat Island Seashells and Christmas Ornaments!
Our first Island Christmas, we didn't have our ornaments in our cabin home. We cut down an island tree and made the ornaments out of seashells we gathered. The result was a nautical tree that had such deep meaning. The tree smelling so fragrant, the sparkling shells and lights shimmering off of them. It was a lovely tradition we do to this day!
As we walk the beaches on the island where we live, we look for these sought after shells. The elusive Moon Snail finds a delectable clam and drills a perfect hole in it's shell to harvest it. With searching among all the others, we find these clam shells with the holes in the upper part. We take them home, brush the sand away to reveal their natural beauty. We adorn natures perfect treasures first with glitter and then we draw a lovely ribbon doubled through the hole, carefully knotting the back and drawing the ribbon back through the front. We tie a nice bow and you instantly have a secure loop to hang the lovely shell on your tree. We adorn each shell with silver and gold glitter in fine lines, some golden threads.

The Spiral Shell is found on the beaches above. The sea snails leave their shells as they grow larger leaving the shells to be tossed and lightly smoothed by the waves. We select only the complete spiral shells. We gently turn them to add one color of glitter in fine lines on the curves. They sit overnight before we add the second set of lines. After they set a second night, we select gold, silver, red, blue and other varieties of satin ribbon with metallic edges or simply lavish metallic ribbon with loops to hang them from and secure it to the back of the shell.

The Cockle Shells, the lovely lines engraved down their shells, so very pretty to collect make the larger ornaments we cherish. These shells are the ideal gifts adorning a package or hung on the side of a stocking. They become a focal point on a Christmas tree!

The sweet Steamer Shells have the curves and the contours that once decorated are the traditional ornament to hang on your tree, or a wrapped gift as an elegant decor!

The Horse Clam Shells are the big shells we seek to make our soap dishes, that special little nautical touch for the holidays. Always a favorite of the kids who visit.....
Below is a pic.... just a a whisper of things to come!
Shell ornaments you may desire.....simply write....I answer every email from my island home!

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