Friday, November 6, 2009

Island Bonfire!

It began as a favor to help someone with a very big job. The charming home sits on the beach, the deck clear to the water's edge and the job...... There was a lot of shingles and construction materials left over from the renovation to repair the damage done by a flood. Yes it had been a high tide, ripping currents. waves washing over the backs of the beach homes and this one....the water came in the first floor and washed away the lovely condition of the home. They transformed the home into a modern beach home with some of the rustic remnants from before. A massive fireplace with a miners ax embedded in the rock. A ships porthole made into a mirror from a ship wreck long ago...... We spent hours and hours clearing and arranging the bonfire supplies from the non burnables. What an amazing sunset saluted our bonfire as we finished the job smiling at the soft breezes, calm waves deceptively so and the solitude we felt. The island drums were silent but we were back in time on the beach with the smoke and fire.......not a sound but the soft waves touching the shores......

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